So i have started to build my own DDF floor. The ones who came before me are linked on the Left side.
Ill be updating this as i go with my progress, wich so far isnt good.
Day 1: Soldering. I got 16 Maxim Chips Soldered, barly, the pins are just way to small. Then i started with the resistors for the switches. Those took forever to correct, I used a multimeter to test and desolder and retest, until they didnt cross, and actuly made contact with the right pins. 16 of those are complete. This took me at least 5 hours so far, for just a few parts on 1 module. :(
I'll add pictures, and more info soon. Feel free to ask any questions, or leave any comments.
[url=http://jsriddler.com/image_ddf/step0_PICT0018.jpg]Full Size[/url]
Posted by
JS_Riddler on
Thursday, February 09, 2006 07:24:19 AM (880 reads) ( 0 Comments )